Thursday, February 17, 2011

My mind is full of crazy thoughts!!!!

I once saw my shadow falling apart. 'Save me I am going to die,' I nearly cried out! Was this a crazy idea? Or, was this an advance warning for some unpleasant thing to happen?
Such crazy thoughts keep on hammering in my head. In order to escape such crazy thoughts I have decided to write them down. Hence, this blog.
One of the crazy thoughts I have in my creative mind is to invent a way to remember the name and faces of  people I meet without any artificial aid. Then again sometimes I have this idea that we are all fools living in an insane world. Or am i getting carried away?


  1. Your fear of getting carried away itself may be a crazy thought. Waiting eagerly to read some more of your ideas, crazy or not.

  2. Its an insane world, and you've gotta be a little crazy to survive. ;)

  3. NOt getting carried away my darling - our brains are a fertile place - all kinds of crops grow on it - this is super...

  4. Crazy thoughts means you have a wonderfully imaginative mind!! And expressed so beautifully...well done!!

  5. I think like you, Ishaan, am I crazy too? Hope not :)
